The central pillar of energy strategy: construction of new hydropower and "new" renewable energy and increasing energy efficiency.
The power supply to be long term. The political basis for this is the energy strategy 2050th
The decision to phase out nuclear power and more, for years observed profound changes especially in the international energy environment require a remodeling of the Swiss energy supply.
The Federal Council thus provides for an additional construction of hydropower and new renewable energy and increasing energy efficiency in buildings, in equipment and in transport. He wants to reduce the energy consumption per person, reduce the proportion of fossil energy, replacing nuclear electricity production through efficiency gains and the addition of renewable energy. should contribute to this rapid, simpler procedures and the modernization and expansion of power grids.
To implement this strategy a total revision of the Energy Act and other legal adjustments are necessary. On September 4, 2013, the Federal Council adopted its message for the first package of measures the energy strategy 2050 and referred to Parliament for debate.
National Council and have already advised the first package of measures. The remaining differences between the boards are expected to be resolved in the spring and summer sessions 2016th
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